Rem the Bath Boi: Lazy & Crazy

Rem has been sharing some ridiculous things about his life on Twitter, and the best summary of the glimpse we get into Rem’s life is that he’s lazy and crazy.

December 2021 Update: Most likely due to this post harming his fragile, narcissistic ego, Rem has since lied about his academic credentials. More details can be found here.

The Lazy

Rem is failing failed as an undergraduate and has to resort to being litigious to receive a degree

Rem will apparently be soon entering his sixth year as an undergraduate (on posts dating back to 2018, he’s described as a “third year student”), and seemingly has no plans to graduate in the near future. He’s never worked a real job or had to do anything other than school, yet he cannot put the effort into completing his education. Instead, he will take a part-time course load, drop classes, achieve a 20% on philosophy quizzes, and threaten professors with litigation if they don’t give him a passing grade when he fails to show up to class/take the final exam/check his email once (this happening pre-COVID). As of now, he’s content with weebin’ out and LARPing on the internet as an intellectual.

His Twitter bio will say he’s a “grad/law school applicant” until the end of time instead of the more truthful “I’ve got 3.5 credits and a 2.0 GPA.” More posturing from Rem.

Rem pretended to be vegan for five minutes

I already saw this coming, but Rem has “stopped” being vegan. I use scare quotes because I don’t believe Rem ever was vegan, other than maybe the brief moments between breakfast and lunch when he’s not shoveling anything in between his fuzzy lips. I believe he was disingenuous with his newfound veganism for a few reasons.

First, his arguments and views concerning animal ethics border on the illiterate and hopelessly confused, so it was hard to take him seriously as some sort of committed ethical vegan when he never established that he understood the reasons for being one in the first place. If anything, he’s shown himself to be more aligned with incredibly stupid anti-vegan sentiments (e.g., “what if a plant was conscious?”, “moral value is a vague category,” “if we ascribe moral value to animals then we have to ascribe it to rocks,” etc.).

Second, Smugrat has a deranged, established pattern of trying to morally one-up people on social media without actually holding to any principles. As an obvious example in retrospect, he’ll wokescold some guy on Twitter for killing a lobster because the lobster feels pain, but then Rem will flippantly support the abuse and killing of dairy cows or give a relativist’s pass to people of color when they kill lobsters. He’ll also decry ableism while he himself says those who are not capable of rationality are not deserving of moral status, and, therefore, can be permissibly killed for trivial reasons.

Third, as just stated, Gavin thinks non-rational beings (including humans with Down syndrome) “aren’t deserving of moral status,” which makes him a much bigger ableist than anyone he’s whined at before.

The lazy weeb actually said this when I posed the argument from marginal cases against his view (the argument from marginal cases being something he hypocritically did zero reading about before making a smug blog post claiming to have “refuted” it).

Fourth, Rem has relativist tendencies and lies about his views constantly. Among other things, Relativist Rem lied about his mindless adherence to Wittgenstein, pragmatism, transcendental idealism, and lies about his academic credentials.

Fifth and finally, Gavin is a weak person with a weak moral character and is severely lacking in empathy. Someone like him is not capable of changing his daily habits when it inconveniences him or requires him to make any sort of sacrifice. He’s a good example of a “progressive” who is more concerned with appearing woke, but never actually doing anything of effort or character.

The Crazy

A Young Earth Creationist “revolutionized” Rem’s understanding of science

In a tweet in which Rem lists his top philosophers, he names theologian Vine Deloria Jr. He says Deloria “revolutionized [Rem’s] understanding of space and time through revealing to [Rem] a completely different philosophical methodology that [Rem had] never seen before. Plus developing a new account of scientific anti-realism rooted in ethics, the role of oral history, etc.” Which is just an incredibly pretentious way to say that Rem’s “understanding” of science was influenced by Ken Ham.

As one can see, Deloria believes that a stegosaurus was in America as recently as a hundred years ago (yes, 100 years). He’s also a Young Earther. In other words, like Ken Ham and other creationists, Deloria Jr. subscribes to and privileges the creationist myths of his culture, even if it means affirming the co-existence of dinosaurs and people, denying the age of the Earth, and rejecting the migration of ancient people over the Bering Strait. Saying otherwise is to deny the reality that scientists are lying and unfairly privileging their knowledge.

Surprisingly, Relativist Rem, ever the staunch realist, is a sucker for this sort of skeptical nonsense.

False worldviews that affirm the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans can justify exploiting individuals

Possibly one of the dumbest takes from Rem, the second cousin of Ask Yourself, is that indigenous communities have no moral obligation to not kill, abuse, and exploit the vulnerable if they believe in a mythos in which the victims consented to their death and suffering. So if there was a culture that had a mythos about severely mentally enfeebled humans consenting to a contract to be used as fodder for the pleasure of the rational population, and this culture cannot be convinced of any other view, then Rem, who already has an abysmal view of non-rational humans, would agree that this culture has no obligation to not abuse its non-rational humans. Rem’s nonsensical relativism is blatant at this point.

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