An Anti-Intellectual Whines About Anti-Intellectualism

Ask Yourself recently learned the word “anti-intellectual” and, with any concept or word that he’s recently learned, he needs to bandy it around in narcissistic attempts to appear smart. Specifically, the NE’ET-do-well is becoming critical of “anti-intellectualism.” This is a funny for a couple reasons, however, as Isaac is accusing people of anti-intellectualism not for, say, being dismissive of intellectual pursuits—granted, Ask Yourself (no degree) and Dr. Avi (medical license revoked) seem to be also accusing people of anti-intellectualism when they don’t learn JavaScript and set theory for a debate on metaethics. Rather, Ask Yourself, being a Discord cuck, thinks dismissing him as a debate bro and not talking to him in his filthy Discord cave is to be an “anti-intellectual.”

To be clear, Ask Yourself is a prime example of an anti-intellectual (and also a prime example of a sophist).

Ask Yourself doesn’t read, study, or write. He’s been talking about animal ethics for years, and hasn’t looked into the topic beyond a fairly recent and quick glance at a single IEP article. I suspect he went back to school for computer science instead of philosophy (the thing he talks about constantly and makes money off Patreon for doing) so that he could avoid actually having to read or write any philosophy. I sincerely doubt he made this choice concerning career prospects, as he is a perennial NEET. He has topics and concepts spoonfed to him by handlers (i.e., people he reveres for having credentials, and he often surrounds himself with these people in order to bolster his own ego). Whatever he does sparingly reference, it will be a source given to him by more well-read cave dwellers who first went to school to then waste their free time and social lives by being the court philosophers of an unhinged, uncharismatic, know-nothing swamp goblin.

As for writing, I believe Ask Yourself used to write scripts. But other than the abysmal YouTube comment, it’s rare to find anything approaching his attempt at writing philosophy, and he often deletes many of his scripted videos out of shame (and in a further withdrawal, Ask Yourself has just made the move to communicating only through his Discord). Other than by pointing to his illiteracy, Ask Yourself’s aversion to writing is difficult to explain, but I think I can give it a go. Since he hasn’t studied philosophy, Sperg Yourself has this very bizarre view of philosophy where one can only be seriously doing philosophy if one *joins the Discord* or writes only in C++. He’s not aware that there are philosophers who spend a lot of their time reading and writing (in natural language, which Sperg Yourself thinks can’t even be valid) papers and books and not *joining the Discord*. Descartes wasn’t a sophist because he wrote books and letters (again, in natural language, no less) instead of *joining the Discord*.

Granted, verbal discussion and debate are important in philosophy. The ancient Greeks emphasized that, and I’m sure through the power of extreme narcissism and a lack of self-awareness concerning the otaku atrophy that defines his adult life, Ask Yourself probably believes that he is Plato and his Discord is the Academy.

But just because verbal discussion and debate are important, it doesn’t follow that all verbal discussion/debate is important or worthwhile. I’ll give an example. Imagine you disagree with some guy on free will, and he’s challenging you to a debate right there and then. Would it be worthwhile to talk to him about the topic and trade arguments? Ask Yourself would likely block this guy immediately. But let’s say it’s face to face and a chance encounter in public. To avoid being an anti-intellectual, do you have a discussion/debate with this guy? If unhesitatingly “yes,” then let me add a few more details to see if you change your mind.

Our interlocutor who we must debate/talk to so that we won’t be an anti-intellectual or a sophist:

  1. He’s insanely arrogant, condescending, and narcissistic.
  2. He talks over you constantly.
  3. He arrived at his opinion without studying or thinking about it, which also applies to the topic in general.
  4. He will draw a string of logic symbols in the dirt with a stick, keep demanding “syllos,” and open his phone to check his “logic bot” app.
  5. He’s unable to charitably or accurately interpret many of your statements.
  6. He speaks in NEETisms about how he’s “bodying” you when he gets stuck in a feedback loop of asking the same inconsequential yes or no question.
  7. His head is bobbing around like a deranged bird in a boxing match.
  8. He’s been wearing the same Rings of Saturn shirt for five days straight.

If you’re a well-adjusted person, you’ll come to the conclusion that, while verbal debate and discussion can be important, there’s nothing anti-intellectual about not entertaining the freak show. Your time would be better spent elsewhere. In fact, it seems far more anti-intellectual to waste one’s time verbally debating Ask Yourself or his cohorts than it would be to read, write, or debate/talk to more charitable, knowledgeable people.

Besides, Ask Yourself (no degree) is the biggest anti-intellectual sophist because he still refuses to debate Zypher (almost PhD) in *the Discord*.

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