RemTheBathBoi Probably Lied About Graduating

Written by indy and Vespine.

Disclaimer: Don’t dox or mob Rem. 

March 2022 update: Last month the comedy of narcissistic lies continued with Gaslighting Gavin admitting that he obviously lied about going to law school, but now he’s lying about being a “philosophy graduate student.” This materialized while Guilty Gavin failed to stick to streaming fulltime after claiming that he would (updated link here, as Rem recently deleted the video announcing his “great return” to fulltime streaming prior to lying about being a grad student). Also, Rem has never once provided evidence for any of his claims.

December 2021 Update: After months of blatantly lying about graduating and having gullible, ignorant streamers and their horde of online bugmen defending his lies, Rem/Gavin has finally admitted that he didn’t graduate. However, he has never admitted any wrongdoing for lying, gaslighting, or smearing anyone who called him out on his insane lies, and he is still lying about going to law school and countless other things. He is a textbook narcissist, pathological liar, and self-entitled loser.

Over the years, Rem the Bath Boi has made contradictory and implausible claims about his education. In July 2021, Rem the Bath Boi claimed two things in particular about his education 1) He recently graduated with an undergraduate degree in philosophy after four years and 2) He is attending law school in the fall of 2021. However, there are strong reasons to doubt both claims. And if he did not graduate with his bachelor’s degree yet (and shows no signs of graduating soon), then this makes his claim of attending law school this fall even more difficult to believe. Additionally, there are independent reasons to doubt he is attending law school this fall even if he did manage to graduate with his bachelor’s this year.

Evidence of Rem’s Guilt 

Rem’s degree could not be found using the University of Toronto’s degree verification tool 

  • We put Rem’s information into the University of Toronto’s Confirmation of Degree website and ran a search. It came back with no results. 
  • Rem claimed we won’t be able to find a record of him graduating because it is private information that he had sealed, but this explanation from Rem is incredibly suspicious for a few reasons. 
  • First, Rem falsely claims that whether he graduated or not is private information. However, it’s explicitly stated on the University of Toronto’s Confirmation of Degree website that this is public information. What is private or cannot be freely given by the registrar is his GPA, class schedule, and the like. A record of actually graduating, however, is public and should’ve been easily found by us. Instead, we found no record of Rem graduating.
  • Second, the registrars of his university were asked about sealing this information, and they either say it can’t be done, or it is borderline impossible. Going off the registrar’s response, it’s unprecedented as far as we can tell. In that case, Rem likely conjured up this lie of “sealing his graduation record” in order to cover his tracks.
  • Third, it makes no sense why Rem would have this one particular thing sealed (if even possible). This makes it unnecessarily difficult for potential employers to independently verify his degree. It also makes no sense in terms of avoiding being doxxed. Rem’s name and picture are already plastered around websites under the University of Toronto proving that he attended the school, but he draws the line at a record of him actually graduating?  
  • As the evidence accumulates, it will continue to become more and more reasonable to believe that the absence of proof of graduation for Rem from the confirmation of degree website is better explained by him NOT graduating, rather than his claim of having the record “sealed.”

Rem doesn’t have an alumni email address

  • For the University of Toronto, students generally receive a student email in the shape of “” Using Rem’s name, we confirmed that he has a student email. For students who have graduated, they automatically receive an alumni email using the same name as their student email, but ending in “” instead. Using a list of recent graduates, we were able to check and see if they had an alumni email address of this form. Most of them did. For the ones that didn’t, we were unable to get their student email to work either, meaning that either they weren’t using the university’s email services, or there was some anomaly with the name they used for their email. Out of all the students we checked, Rem is the only supposed graduate who has a student email address, but no alumni email address. 

Rem’s specific college at the University of Toronto does not have him listed as a graduate

  • For the University of Toronto, there are multiple colleges under it (e.g., St. Michael’s College, Trinity College, Victoria College, etc.). On a website associated with the University of Toronto, Rem says which of these colleges he belongs to.
  • From this, we checked that college’s website, and found that it listed the names of its graduating class. 
  • From its most recent list of graduates (June 2021) and previous graduating lists, Rem is nowhere to be found.
  • Screenshots are provided below, but Rem was talking about being in class the month after the latest convocation period of June 2021. Specifically, he talks about being in class on July 6th, 2021. Then, on July 20th, 2021, Rem talks about how he graduated.

The contradictions from Rem’s own implausible account of his education 

  • In November 2018, Rem claimed to be a third-year student, as seen in the November 2018 stream below.
  • There’s also an article he wrote in 2018 where he describes himself as a third-year student. 
  • In October and November 2018, Rem heavily implies in Discord that he’s a third-year student.
  • In late July 2021, Rem claims he has graduated from the University of Toronto after four years of school. 
  • In August 2018, he implies he has the credits equivalent to a third year student and will be graduating the following year. In August 2021, he’s not sure if he had enough credits to be “technically” a third year student in 2018.
  • Rem attempts to explain these inconsistencies away by saying that he described himself “in passing” to professors that he was a third-year student because he was only taking third and fourth year level philosophy courses at the time. Yet, he was explicitly making the “I am a third-year student” claim (and intentionally misrepresenting himself) in streams with another YouTuber, as seen above, and God knows who else in 2018.
  • Rem also tries to make the “2018 third-year student who will graduate next year but instead graduates in 2021 after four years of schooling” contradiction fit by claiming he was a part-time student, had a hiatus at some vague point, but then was a full-time student for the last year before graduating.
  • May 11th, 2020, Rem implies that he is taking 3 classes for that semester.
  • On May 29th, 2020, Rem says that he’s taking/managing 6-7 courses due to classes being online during COVID.
  • Even if we grant that he took 6-7 courses for a Spring and Fall semester, with a course or two over the summer, how does this make up for 3 or less courses a semester (with some being dropped) the other, supposedly, three years of schooling? Or how did he not finish sooner if he was only a year away from graduating in 2018? A normal full-time semester to graduate in time is somewhere around 4-5 courses a semester. Rem’s final sprint to graduation, whether real or imagined, doesn’t fit the context of the part-time years prior or his expected graduation of 2019 (the latter of which doesn’t fit with his part-time years themselves).
  • As far as we can see, Rem does not previously mention a hiatus anywhere. He appears to be taking a class for each semester he’s been active online, starting from late 2018.
  • Rem mentions he’s in class in early July 2021. A couple weeks after mentioning being in class, he says he’s been admitted to law school for that upcoming fall.
  • Rem’s bluff of “4 years with multiple part-time years and a last year of full-time” to receive a BA in Philosophy is also suspicious due to 1) the number of majors, minors, and specializations he took/switched to, 2) the number of classes he claimed to have taken, and 3) the number of classes he dropped.
  • For the number of majors, minors, and specializations Rem has claimed, at some point, he majored in philosophy, math, physics, English (?), and history.
  • Rem has claimed to have minored in bioethics, physics, indigenous studies, HPS (whatever that is), and history.
  • Rem has claimed two different specializations: philosophy and math.
  • Rem talks about dropping a history course, an AI course, a classics course, a philosophy of perception course, and a continental philosophy course.
  • Given the above, it’s less feasible for Rem to graduate after four years, especially going for “multiple years part-time,” while he switched majors, minors, and specializations an absurd amount, took more classes than required for a degree (e.g., “6 epistemology courses”), and dropped numerous classes.

Rem gave a tight timeline for making an application and being accepted into law school

  • In late May 2021, Rem says that he just took his first practice LSAT.
  • In late June 2021, Rem is talking about getting a 177/180 on practice LSATs and how he’s aiming for a “181/180.” 
  • In late July 2021, Rem says that he’s been admitted to law school and will be going in the upcoming fall (so, roughly in a couple months from posting about his admission).
  • In late July 2021, Rem says he still needs to get letters of reference and prepare a writing sample.

Rem said he’s going to grad school for philosophy soon

  • In late June 2021, a month before Rem says he’s going to law school in the upcoming fall, Rem claims he’s “about to go to grad school” for philosophy.

Rem refused to give any evidence that he graduated

  • As we began to gather evidence that pointed in the direction of Rem not graduating, we asked him to explain the inconsistencies we found (most of which are noted above), or we asked him to produce a degree that censored out any sensitive information that was not already made public by him. Rem refused to do so, and instead opted to go quiet, block dissenters, or kept asserting that he graduated.

Rem is a pathological liar

  • Rem belongs to the same social circle and has a similar psychology as his friend Litgenstein, who lied about, among other things, his level of education, academic achievements, ethnicity, and level of wealth.
  • Rem is on record as having lied about his political beliefs, philosophical beliefs, and habits whenever he thinks it will gain him some sort of advantage.
  • Rem has greatly exaggerated and misrepresented what he knows by claiming numerous and various areas of interest, all of which he pretends to be well-read in. These include philosophy of language (“specifically reference”), philosophy of biology, metaethics, meta-epistemology, meta-mathematics, computation theory, philosophy of deviant sexuality, “reasons and normativity,” and constitutional and aboriginal law.
  • There is evidence that Rem was claiming to have graduated much earlier. A Discord user said in the Ask Yourself Discord on May 19th, 2021 that Rem already graduated with his bachelor’s degree. We don’t know where he heard this, but it stands to reason that this originated from Rem. Yet on May 23rd, Rem was claiming to be a full-time student (in addition to complaining about being not seen as non-binary in a class on July 6th).
  • Rem is most likely lying about his GPA. He has claimed that making a C in a single course took his GPA from a 3.9 to a 3.4, which is impossible. He has also claimed to have brought his GPA back up to a 3.9 by petitioning his university. He posted pictures to prove his GPA is 3.9, but quickly deleted them before we had them saved. When asked to post them again, he suspiciously refuses.

Rem’s Motivations for Lying

Evidence of Rem’s Innocence 

There isn’t any. There is this though: 

Rem said on Twitter that he graduated

  • This counts for next to nothing. In response to the above evidence and demands for Rem to produce a censored degree, he only kept asserting on Twitter that he graduated at the top of his class and that he was going to law school. Yeah, well, Rem’s compadre and fellow manipulative psychopath Litgenstein would constantly claim on Twitter that he was some erudite, polymath, trilingual, biracial, multiple PhD holder in physics and philosophy who taught classes on everything from metaethics to quantum mechanics, and we all know how that turned out.

Ask Yourself’s Discord has Rem listed as having a BA in Philosophy 

  • This also counts for next to nothing. Ask Yourself’s Discord is the Matrix for social defects who have a propensity for a cultish mindset, and it holds no real weight or credibility. It also has him listed as a vegan, which is false, too. What’s likely is that whoever began the rumor through the grapevine that Rem had graduated (again, likely Rem himself began to spread it) influenced this denotation of “rank,” rather than any sort of hard evidence itself leading to this label. 

➌  Rem and his followers claim we’re crazy

  • This is just stereotypical gaslighting, and it doesn’t negate the above evidence against Rem or magically confer a degree upon him.

Rem and his followers claim we’re jealous of him

  • Just as before, this defense doesn’t show that he graduated. Also, we’re not jealous of Rem. We’ve never had to resort to lying about graduating from university, and we would hate to be Rem the Bath Boi, especially right about now.

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