Vegan Gains Challenged Me to a Debate, & Then He “Cucked Into the Shadows”

After annoying Vegan Gains by both commenting and tweeting at him that his subjectivism makes non-veganism moral and permissible, and so makes people like Frank Tufano and Jon Venus morally correct in their killing and eating of animals, Vegan Gains (Richard Burgess) decided to issue the “debate me, bro” challenge.


I sent Vegan Gains a direct message accepting a debate with him, as he seems capable, unlike some people, of having a reasonable and charitable debate. Vegan Gains responded and accepted a debate on metaethics. Swell, but after weeks of trying to get him to agree to a time that we could both make, Vegan Gains would either stop responding or he would schedule to debate someone else on the same day we both agreed upon earlier.


At one point, I even told him I’d be free to debate him almost any day in the following week. Crickets from Richard.


Now it’s been months after trying to schedule a debate with Vegan Gains, and he has either stopped responding, has a schedule conflict after we both agree on the day, or just ultimately “cucks into the shadows” as his friend Ask Yourself would say.



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