“Quasimodo Predicted All This”: Ask Yourself is a Discord Cuck

Ask Yourself (no degree) has recently disabled all comments on his YouTube videos, deleted all of his Tweets, and cleared his Facebook so as to avoid any interaction or criticism from the public (Ask Yourself talks about this at the beginning of this video). If one wants to pose counterarguments or comment on Ask Yourself‘s videos or try to communicate with him, one can only reach him through his own Discord server. This is the same server where he’s liable to mute/ban you pretty quickly or just talk over you like an asshole, so good luck trying to make your voice heard regardless.

After this decision, Ask Yourself being a Discord cuck is, without a question, fully established. However, I also saw this coming when I said in the July 12th, 2019 post “Ask Yourself, the Discord Cuck” that “He uses his Discord as a safe space. . . . the reason why he blocks dissenting opinion on his Twitter and YouTube and often tells dissenters to ‘go to the Discord’ is because it’s there that he can control the conversation.”

Two years later and Ask Yourself has degraded to the point of opting out of the social aspect of social media entirely. Instead of spamming *join the Discord* and quickly blocking any critics (for example, myself and others), Ask Yourself cut out the middleman by deleting all avenues of communication or criticism other than his own Discord server, which is inhospitable territory for either decent communication or criticism. None of that will be tolerated in Ask Yourself‘s cave of Graham Priest apologia, Apex Legends, and marathon sessions of Naruto.

So, Quasimodo predicted it, but I’ll say that I saw this coming, or, at least, I’m not surprised by this development.

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