RemTheBathBoi: Pathological Liar, Manipulative Psychopath, Soy Hobbit

Written by Vespine.

This post is another attack on Rem’s character. We’ve dealt with Rem’s views several times, and each time, Rem has managed to one-up us by saying something so crazy it damaged his credibility more than our refutations did. Also, it’s awkward to refute Rem on academic topics because he’s not someone who should be taken seriously. He looks like a 10-year-old with a beard and he thinks it’s plausible that the Earth rests on a giant turtle. You might as well be arguing with a patient in an insane asylum.

One example of Rem’s lunacy.

The Rem Gaycation Funding Crisis of 2021

Rem crowdfunded a two month vacation. That’s shameful enough on its own, but what makes it even worse is that he did so in a deceitful manner. He made it seem like he was homeless, when in fact he has a luxurious apartment in Toronto (paid for by parents). He also made the very dubious claim that, for no good reason, he was kicked out of two different places he tried to stay at. What’s far more likely is that either 1) he was kicked out for some freakish, inhuman behavior or 2) he was never kicked out to begin with.

Rem is Transpoor

Rem likes to lie about being poor. This grants him more oppression cred and makes it easier for him to scam people. His disgraced friend Litgenstein also lied about being poor. Rem has more in common with Litgenstein besides transpoverty: psychopathy, posturing about his level of expertise, and transracialism.

Here’s Rem the spoiled soy dwarf leeching off the government.

More Lies

Being a pathological liar, Rem will lie about almost anything. So here are some more random lies:

Rem lying about whether he’s a communist.

Rem lying about being vegan AGAIN.

The Psychology of the Woke

A common conception of the left is that they’re empathetic people who genuinely want to help the unfortunate. However, social justice activists are far better characterized as narcissistic and hedonistic. Instead of trying to help others, social justice activists tend to focus on finding ways to identify as victims so they can be parasitic on everyone else. Rem is a perfect example of this. He lies about being poor, he goes out of his way to associate himself with Native Americans, he uses autism as an excuse every chance he gets, and he calls himself a “nonbinary gay” even though that doesn’t even make sense.

The online left summed up.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. We know of some much bigger lies that we’re going to
expose later.

Stay tuned.

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